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Save the Siskiyou Crest Campaign

Sign our Petition

Save the Siskiyou Crest

The Siskiyou Crest Coalition Petition to Save the Siskiyou Crest!

The Siskiyou Crest is a rugged, remote and relatively undisturbed region, located on the southwestern Oregon and northwestern California border. The Crest lies between the Cascade Mountains and the Coast Range, and is the only mountain range running east to west in the Pacific Northwest. Important for habitat connectivity and as a vital climate migration corridor, the region supports some of the most diverse conifer forests in the world, the highest levels of biodiversity in western North America, spectacular scenery, clear flowing rivers and streams, old-growth forests, and vast relatively intact habitats. The area also remains a thriving cultural environment associated with indigenous tribes who have interacted with this landscape since time immemorial.

Yet, despite the region’s world-class values, many of the most important habitat remains unprotected, under-protected, or inappropriately managed. The region’s federal land is also managed by a patchwork of land management agencies, including the Medford District BLM, the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, the Klamath National Forest, the Six Rivers National Forest, and a small portion by the National Park Service at Oregon Caves National Monument. Additionally, these agencies have sometimes conflicting, incoherent, inconsistent, or damaging management strategies.

We believe this region would benefit from a more consistent, comprehensive management approach, increased habitat protections, and more clear management guidelines focused on protecting biodiversity, habitat connectivity, watershed values, wildlife habitats, high quality scenic resources, and the unique, unparalleled biological values of the region. The Siskiyou Crest is a special place, deserving of special management. The region contains values of national and global significance, that should be matched with world-class habitat protections on federal lands.

Sign the Petition

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Maroun Aguero
Tressi Albee
Taj Albee
Jan Albright
Amanda Alford
Jeff Andrews
Cilandria Arnett
Ron Avery
Sandra Baker
Melina Barker
Laura Bartlett
Florence Barto
Polly Beach
Markus Bennett
Andy Best
Amber Bey
David Bish
Karen Black
Leslie Black
Maia Black
Kathleen Blackshear
Cheryl Bruner
Bill Bucolo
Theresa Bush
Darren Campbell
Andre Carvalhaes
Kate Cleland-Sipfle
Diana Coogle
Tom Counts
Liza Crosse
David Cornell
Helenan Day
Rosie Demmin
John Dennehy
Bucky Dennerlein
Katelyn Detweiler
Mo Devlin
Patty deWet
David Dobbs
Erin Don
Susan Dowell
Adam Dunckel
Robert Durson
Diane Dwyer
Madisson Emerald
Liz Fairweather
Tim Fickeisen
Anna Fonel
Paula Fong
Jeremy French
Amber Fry
Wendy Gale
Rose Gerstner
Brandi Gibson
Robin Gotfrid
Marion Hadden
Christopher Hall
Allen Hallmark
Mike Harris
Susan Harrison
Joel Heller
Patricia Herdklotz
Rebekah Hinson
Bonnie Hoskinson-Wiebe
Mechtild Howard
Victoria Huish
Howard Hunter
Gaylene Hurley
Carina Ige
Ann James
Linda Kappen
Dianne Keller
Kathy Kellerman
Kerry Kencairn
Julie Klokow
Madison Krieger
Mary Kwart
Olivia Lamarre
Kristina Lefever
Louisa Lenz-Porter
Jeanette LeTourneux
David Levine
Debbie Levy
Gretel Lloyd-Tisdall
Frank Lospalluto
John Mackenzie
Christie Mackison
Galit Maki
Marie Martin
Dianne Martin
Susan Martin
Bart Masciarelli
Lynne Matejcek
Mary McInerney
Sarah McNamara
F Menendez
Kristi Mergenthaler
Holley Miniter
Seth Moody
Melissa Morgan
J E Moss
Donna Mulvey
Fernando Neives
Mark Newberger
Turner Nunn
Diane Offenbrzelv
Cathy O’Leary
Tim O’Leary
Andrew Orahoske
Sher Osterreich
Paul Oursler
Linda Pace
Greg Parkinson


Marty Paule
Joan Peterson
Elisabeth Phillips-Jones
Peg Prag
Arden Prehn
Nick Preneta
Christine Ransom
MaryAnn Ready
Shannon Rio
Cathy Rodgers
Marty Rosen
Bruce Rossing
Luke Ruediger
Nancy Rush-Yates
Suzie Savoie
George Scriba
Barb Settles
Anya Shelton
Christopher Shockey
Kirsten Shockey
Judy Smith
Susan Smith
Evan Sofro
Chris Soper
Taylor Starr
Randy Stevenson
Tyler Stone
Josephine Sze
Janet Tarr
Eva Thiemann
Pepper Trail
Lisa Tschudi
Lynda Turleys
John Villella
Greeley Wells
Casey Wheatman
William Whitney
Henry Whitridge
Elisabeth Zinser

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Make a Contribution

Siskiyou Crest Coalition is fiscally sponsored by Applegate Siskiyou Alliance and your generous tax-deductible donation will leave a lasting legacy in the Siskiyou Crest region!

Volunteer to Save the Siskiyou Crest!

There are many ways in which you can help. Please check all the volunteer opportunities you are interested in learning more about and we will connect with you about how to get plugged in!


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